Vegan Loaded Greek Chickpea Salad

Vegan Loaded Greek Chickpea Salad – a vibrant, nutrient-packed dish that brings the essence of the Mediterranean right to your table. Perfect for a refreshing lunch, a satisfying dinner, or even as a side, this salad is brimming with the robust flavors of Greece.

Ingredients for a Grecian Delight:

For the Salad:

  • 2 cans (15 oz each) chickpeas, the heart and protein of our salad
  • Crisp veggies: 1 cucumber, 1 cup cherry tomatoes, 1 bell pepper, all diced and chopped for crunch
  • 1/2 red onion, finely chopped, to add a sharp, sweet note
  • 1 cup Kalamata olives, pitted and sliced, for that authentic Greek touch
  • Herbs: 1/2 cup fresh parsley and 1/4 cup fresh mint, chopped, for a burst of freshness
  • Seasoning: Salt and pepper, as per your zest

For the Zesty Dressing:

  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, for smoothness and depth
  • 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar, for a tangy kick
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard, for a subtle spice and emulsion
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano, because it’s not Greek without oregano
  • More salt and pepper, to layer the flavors

Directions to Deliciousness:

1. Salad Assembly:

Toss together chickpeas, cucumber, tomatoes, bell pepper, red onion, olives, parsley, and mint in a celebration of color and texture.

2. Dressing Creation:

In a separate bowl, whisk the olive oil, vinegar, mustard, oregano, and seasoning into a dance of flavors.

3. The Grand Toss:

Dress the salad with your freshly made vinaigrette, ensuring every chickpea and veggie is coated in zesty goodness.

4. Chill and Marinate:

Give the salad some rest in the fridge. This not only cools it down but lets every ingredient get acquainted.

5. Ready to Serve:

Bring out the salad when you’re ready to eat. It’s great on its own or paired with some warm pita bread.

Nutritional Virtue:

Each serving of this salad is a treasure trove of nutrients, offering a balance of protein and fiber, essential for energy and digestive health. It’s a light meal that keeps you feeling full and rejuvenated.